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Konstantin S. Khroutski

Current Title and Affiliation: Associate Professor, Novgorod State University after Yaroslav-the-Wise, Institute of Medical Education, Department of Specialized Therapy, Russia. Office Email: hrucki@gmail.com Konstantin.Khrutsky@novsu.ru

Medical School, Kirov Military Medical Academy (KMMA), St. Petersburg, Russia, 1974–1980; field of study – medicine, degree – M.D.
PhD Educational Program at the Novgorod State University after Yaroslav-the-Wise, Novgorod Velikiy, Russia; 1994–1997; field of study – philosophy and history of philosophy.
Defense of the thesis “Axiological approach in modern valeology” in the 2000, The obtained degree – Ph.D. (in philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture).
Dr.Phil (higher doctorate) Educational Program at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (since the 2005) in the field of philosophy of science (the planned date of Doctoral thesis defense – second half of the 2012).

Book (in Russian):
BioCosmology – Universal Science of the Individual Health of a Person. [Novgorod Velikiy, Novgorod University Press]. July 2006.

Selected articles (in English):
Triadic Biocosmological approach in modern science and philosophy // Electronic journal «Биокосмология (Biocosmology) – neo-Aristotelism». Vol. 1. No. 2/3. Spring/Summer 2011. P. 144–146. URL: http://en.biocosmology.ru/electronic-journal-biocosmology---neo-aristotelism

On Biocosmology, Aristotelism and the prospects of becoming of the universal science and philosophy // Electronic journal “Биокосмология (Biocosmology) – neo-Aristotelism”. Vol. 1. No1. Winter 2010. P. 4–17. URL: http://en.biocosmology.ru/electronic-journal-biocosmology---neo-aristotelism

All-Embracing (Triune) Medicine of the Individual’s Health: A Biocosmological Perspective // Journal of Futures Studies. Volume 14, Number 4. 2010. P. 65–84. (accessible: http://www.jfs.tku.edu.tw/sarticles.html)

“Holistics, humanistics, realistics” – three main cosmological spheres of investigative work // SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS. Transactions of the International Academy of Science. H&E. Vol.3. 2009. P. 535–546.

Biocosmology – Rehabilitating Aristotle’s Realistic Organicism and Recommencing Russian Universal Cosmism: Response to Arthur Saniotis // Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics. Vol. 18 (7), 2008, pp. 98–105. (accessible at http://www.eubios.info/EJAIB.htm)

The Evolutionary Time of Awakening: Do We Need a Third (neither Eastern, nor Western) Way in the World Evolution? // Journal of Futures Studies. Vol. 12(3), 2008, pp. 101–109.

Cosmist Revolution in Organizing the Civilizational Power // In: Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations: Political Aspects of Modernity / Ed. by L.E. Grinin. Moscow: KD “LIBROCOM”, 2008, pp. 78-89.

Biocosmological Triadic approach in the study of the mind
Konstantin S. Khroutski
Department of Specialized Therapy
Institute of Medical Education
Novgorod State University, Russia

   Biocosmological Triadic approach is put forward as the useful means in the area of comparative study in mind. This approach is based on the restoration (return) to the original sense of the notion “cosmology” and rehabilitation of the genuine meaning (comprehension and use) of Aristotle’s philosophy. A key point is that the Aristotelian philosophical system has the Organicist essence – it is based on its own (Bio)cosmology. In turn, the proposed Biocosmological approach has the neo-Aristotelian essence. The formula of a Biocosmological study (as it was elaborated during the First International seminar on Biocosmology, in Veliky Novgorod, July 2010) is “Bio-3/4”. “Bio” means that Biocosmology uses the universal Organicist relation to the world – the position “within” the one whole organic Cosmos. “3” and “4” mean the universal Triadic (Three-dimensional) approach and the Four-causal (truly Aristotelian) aetiology – of the equal significance of all four main cosmic causes: material, formative, efficient and telic or final (but with the leading role of the latter).
   In the presentation, a comparative analysis of the three Biocosmological spheres (AntiCosmist, ACosmist and RealCosmist, and their produced methodological and practical approaches) is realized. The latter (RealCosmist or BioCosmological) characteristics include the analysis of the achievements of Russian neurophysiologists and psychologists (I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Ukhtomsky, P.K. Anokhin, P.V. Simonov and other). Their achievements might be integrated into the notion “the school of Russian or Cosmist functionalism”. Therefore, understanding of the human mind ought to be realized at least from the three equal and independent cosmological (aetiological, methodological) foundations.

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