Chutatip Umavijani
BA (Philosophy and Humanities), Scripps College, Claremont, Calif. (1971)
MA (International Relations Studies), Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, Calif. (1974)
Work Place: Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand (1974- present)
Subjects and interest: Western Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Integrated Humanities Ethics, Man and Technology, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Meditation
Interested: Mindful meditation (for 45 years) and New World Order.
Life and Self Knowledge, (6th edition), Thammasat Printing Press, Bangkok, 2009. (Thai)
(ed.) Integrated Humanities (5th edition), Thammasat Printing Press, Bangkok, 2008.(Thai)
(ed. with Sarah Sutro) Buddhist Chanting for Health, Peace and Happiness, Thammasarn Printing Press, Bangkok 2008. (English and Thai) 2008.
(Translated) J.Huxley and J.Bronowski, The Growth of Ideas: Knowledge, Thought, Imagination, Thammasat Printing Press, Bangkok, 2008. (Thai)
“Bioethics is Love of Life for Happines”s
“Meditation for Peace and Happiness in this Globalized World”
“Analysis principles of Buddha and Aristotle”
“Mt.Merapi and Bah Marajan: Nature’s Fury in relation with the Javanese Mountain Belief
“Quantum Physics and Three Characteristics of Reality in Buddhism”
“Technology for Peace”
“The Importance of Philosophy”(for Philosophy Day)
“Mind and Environment”
“Wu Wei of Tao and Mindful Meditation to Save Nature in the 21st Century”
Meditative Mind and Globalization World
Chutatip Umavijani
Philosophy Department
Thammasat University, Thailand
As we are living in this present world, technology helps us to have easy life. We use tools in order to help man work less, hope to have a better life, a happier life than our forefather. But on the contrary, the present world with the propaganda of the capitalistic society, we are overwhelmed by materials around is. As the result the more things are the more we want, self satisfaction, peace and happiness can never be attained.
There are several books came out that concern about happiness such as, Richard Layard, Happiness: Lessons from a New Science, and Greg Easterbrook, Progress Paradox: How Life Gets Better While People Feel Worse. These books show that happiness does not depend on income or material gains. Luxurious life does not always bring happiness. Such materialistic society can lead man to be more greedy, no satisfaction, emptiness and suicide.
How does meditation effect upon the mind? Meditation can quiet our mind, enable us to look within and able to have self satisfaction. Through meditation one can reach to the constructive state of mind, to have more compassion, inner peace, strength, freedom and happiness. And able to over come the destructive state of the mind, such as jealousy, anger, greediness and obsession. Compassion and altruistic love are the most constructive emotions of mental states.
Meditative mind can let go things, able to see things as they are. Able to see the true self, reality of the self, or Know Thyself of Socrates. The meditative mind is the mind that is fully aware of the present moment at all times. The more one is in the meditative state, the more one can stay longer in the state of awareness. The practical process is important. Which means one has to fix one's mind at one pointedness and stay in the present moment at all times.
This mindful meditation enable one to realize the three characteristics of reality in nature: the impermanence, the suffering and no self. Mindful meditation is the path to enlightenment. Enable one to go beyond the negative feeling towards life. Able to understand and accept things as they are. To know and realize reality beyond appearance. Enable one to be self sufficient and know one's limit. Able to manage with greediness, anger, and jealousy. Able to contribute and give to others more. Peace and happiness by self satisfaction can be attained.
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